Monday, December 30, 2019

Renewable Energy Developing Countries - 2855 Words

Renewable energy in developing countries TharunaPapari TEC 5970B Research Paper Summer 2014 Eastern Illinois University Abstract Renewable is which never runs out or infinitely available in nature. Energy is freely available in environment. We can notice so many naturally available energy resources in the environment like wind, solar, biomass, water, natural gas etc. Renewable resources can be easily replaced or regenerated. Renewable energy can be used for transportation fuels, power generation and where all the energy resources can be used in the generation of electric power. For direct heating and cooking geothermal steam can be used. Energy resources like solar and biomass are used for heating water and space. The†¦show more content†¦The generation of electricity mainly depends on the quantity of precipitation that falls in a specific area. In 2011, a tidal plant with 254MW began its operation and it has doubled the capacity through out the world to 527MW. Wind Energy Wind power drives the air in the atmosphere through the turbines and generates electricity. Windmills have been using from the past hundred years and even more, but the modern turbines have their own significance with their advancement of technology. During the generation of electricity no greenhouse gas is produced but large area is required for the turbines. For instance, in Texas Lone Star is a 200MW farm and has an area of 36,000 acres. China had the major capacity of generation of wind with more than 62MW in 2011 and the United States stand second with 47MW capacity. Solar Energy In the process of generation of power sun’s energy is used and also for solar heating and cooling. Solar energy resources are extensively spread and can receive sun light anywhere. While generating the electricity various factors are considered which affects in the generation such as location, weather conditions, time of the day. Greenhouse gases are not emitted during the generation of electricity. (Carey, 2014) Biomass Energy Biomass also generates electricity and also provides heating which is direct can be renewed into biofuels as a substitute for the fossil fuels

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay about Lonliness and Friendship in Of Mice And Men

Lonliness and Friendship in Of Mice And Men nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In terms of emotional stability, there is one thing in life that is really needed, and that is friends. Without friends, people would suffer from lonliness and solitude. Lonliness leads to low self-esteem and deprivation. In the novel, Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck, the two main themes are friendship and lonliness. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are two main characters, George and Lennie. Lennie is a massive man with incredible strength, but has a childs mind. George is a fairly sized man who is not incredibly strong, but has good common sense. What one man lacks, the other man makes up for. It is a perfect example of how†¦show more content†¦He would yell at Lennie and tell him if he didnt have him he could go and do as he pleased. When in reality George did not want these things. He was greatful to have a friend in Lennie, so he would not have to be alone. With Lennies simple mind, he could not comprehend what George was talking about most of the time. He believed that George got upset over simple things such as ketchup. He too was very thankful to have George to go along with. Although he did not understand the complexity of things sometimes, he knew that he had a true friend who he trusted wouldnt leave him. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The friendship between Lennie and George went beyond what was unambiguous, they shared a common dream, and they never stopped trying to acheive their dream. They dream of a peice of land of their own. Independence. A couple of acres, a cow, some pigs, and rabbits that Lennie dreams of tending to. Their dream will later be shattered by fate. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The unlikely destroyer of George and Lennies dream is a young woman who is married to the bosss son Curley. The theme of loneliness is again shown in Curleys wife. Her loneliness is so determined to her that she becomes a flirt and is still lonely. She attempts to use herself to gain the attention of the ranchers to sooth her loneliness. These acts gave her a sense of relief and made her feel wanted so she can shareShow MoreRelatedLoneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay1733 Words   |  7 Pagessolitude. Loneliness leads to low self-estee. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the characters, Crooks, Candy, and Curly’s wife all show some form of loneliness. They are curious of George and Lennie’s friendship because they do not have that support in their life. Through his novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck demonstrates that many times, a victim of loneliness will have a never-ending search to fulfill a friendship. quot;A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t matter noRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1916 Words   |  8 Pagesbring the feelings of shame and weakness when an individual does admit they are feeling alone and that is what Of Mice and Men showcases as it explores various characters and their paths to adjust to insurmountable loneliness that was faced during The Great Depression. Written by American author, John Steinbeck and inspired by the economic recession during the early 1930’s, Of Mice and Men tells the story two migrant workers George and Lennie from a small town in California who find work on a ranchRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1286 Words   |  6 PagesThe realistic fiction novella Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck explains the journey of two migrant farm workers. Lennie and George are forced to overcome the Dust Bowl and The Great Depression around 1938. This makes jobs even harder to come by because everyone wanted one. Len nie and George were kicked out of Weed and they now work at a ranch in Soledad. At the new farm the friendship between Lennie and George becomes harder to maintain. The people on the farm are all different shapes, sizes, andRead MoreAnalysis Of John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men 1863 Words   |  8 Pagesloved by others and whilst the feeling is universality known, not even the strongest of us can completely avoid the feeling which often can bring shame and weakness when an individual finally admits that they are alone and that is exactly what Of Mice and Men showcases it explores various characters and their paths which sees them adjusting to the insurmountable loneliness that was faced during The Great Depression. Written by American author John Steinbeck, tells the story of two migrant workers from

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Aldeia Corrego das Telhas Free Essays

string(156) " do municipio e encontra-se bem Proxima ao Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau que compreende uma country que perpassa as cidades de Acarau vitamin E Marco\." Consideracoes Iniciais ( NUMERAR ) O presente artigo surgiu de minha experiencia de trabalho-pesquisa com os indios Tremembes no municipio de Acarau, distante 235 kilometer district attorney capital Fortaleza. Ate o momento mutton quad que escrevo estas linhas, foram seis Maines acompanhando as duas aldeias indigenas existentes na zona rural district attorney cidade. Fui contratado como antropologo, na condicao de tecnico do Centro de Referencia da Assistencia Social – CRAS, parity atuar exclusivamente nestas comunidades. We will write a custom essay sample on Aldeia Corrego das Telhas or any similar topic only for you Order Now Assim, a experiencia empirica que substanciou a escrita deste artigo foi produzida a partir do contato semanal com a populacao indigena supracitada. Este contato Se deu tanto na esfera coletiva, Durante as reunioes semanais realizadas mutton quad cada comunidade, quando individualmente, visitava as familias, sendo possivel manter longas conversas com alguns indios das aldeias de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. O objetivo deste artigo vitamin E discorrer sobre a importancia district attorney institucionalizacao organizacional parity a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica indigena Department of State Tremembes nos dias atuais, sobretudo, com fives de acesso as politicas sociais direcionadas parity comunidades tradicionais. Utilizo como base a fundacao Department of State Conselhos Indigenas hyrax aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas e a importancia que estes exercem como facilitadores no que diz respeito aos projetos, programas vitamin E servicos do poder publico nas diversas esferas, direcionados as populacoes indigenas. Antes, porem, se faz necessario um breve relato sobre a historia destas duas comunidades indigenas. Os Tremembes de Acarau e suas trajetorias ( NUMERAR ) Os indios Tremembes tiveram um longo percurso historico Ate Se estabelecerem no litoral cearense. Segundo alguns antropologos vitamin E historiadores, o grupo etnico saiu district attorney Amaz A ; ocirc ; nia percorrendo os estados do Maranhao, Piaui ate chegarem ao litoral cearense, estabelecendo-se, principalmente na praia de Almofala, municipio de Itarema [ 2 ] . Os registros historicos dao conta district attorney presenca deste povo nos municipios de Chaval, Camocim, Granja, Marco, Acarau e tambem na Serra district attorney Ibiapaba [ 3 ] . No seculo XVII, os Tremembes foram aldeados pelos jesuitas na localidade de Almofala e la se estabeleceram Ate hoje. A literatura antropologica coloca os Tremembes como eximios pescadores, tendo em view, que foram aldeados no litoral. Entretanto, diante Department of States periodos de seca que periodicamente castigam O territorio cearense, alguns grupos foram obrigados a sair em busca de agua e alimento, iniciando uma caminhada vitamin E de sbravando terras no rumo do sertao. Os Tremembes de Acarau estao inseridos neste contexto. De acordo com as memorias e narrativas de algumas liderancas e idosos, ja existiam registros district attorney presenca indigena na regiao no seculo Nineteen. Aldeia Corrego hyrax Telhas Os Tremembes do Corrego das Telhas estao localizados hour angle aproximadamente 40 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio de Acarau, estando numa regiao limitrofe com o municipio de Itarema. A historia Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas tem um capitulo comum a Toda as comunidades indigenas no nordeste e no Brasil: a Luda pela terra. A referida aldeia esta inserida na Terra Indigena ( TI ) [ 4 ] do Corrego Joao Pereira, composta por quatro aldeias ( Sao Jose, Cajazeiras, Capim-Acu vitamin E Telhas ) situadas entre os Department of the Interior municipios citados acima, sendo que somente a aldeia de Telhas pertence a Acarau. TI Corrego Joao Pereira e a primeira, e Ate agora a unica, terra indigena demarcada vitamin E homolgada pelo Governo Federal no Ceara. Entretanto, a Luda pela terra vitamin E os freq A ; uuml ; entes conflitos com posseiros e latifundiarios durou quase um seculo, tendo Se acirrado nos Fatah Revolutionary Councils de 1980. De acordo com O relatorio a ntropologico [ 5 ] district attorney Fundacao Nacional do indio – FUNAI, os Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira sofreram com a violencia vitamin E o poder de grandes latifundiarios ( entre eles militares, military chaplains e politicos de Acarau ) , criadores de gado e comerciantes da castanha de caju que se apossaram e submeteram os indios a um government de semi escravidao. Alem de terem tomado as terras que tradicionalmente eram de uso dos indios, os â€Å" novos † donos cobravam pela utilizacao district attorney terra, de modo que uma grande parte district attorney producao Agricola Department of State indigenas epoch direcionada parity O pagamento da terra. Alem disso, os Tremembes foram proibidos de praticarem seus rituais, sobretudo, o torem. O movimento de resistencia Department of State Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira se fortaleceu a partir do apoio da Pastoral Department of State Direitos Humanos, Missao Tremembe [ 6 ] vitamin E com O reconhecimento district attorney FUNAI, no concluding district attorney decada de 80. Em 2005 a TI do Corrego Joao Pereira foi demarcada vitamin E homologada pelo Presidente Lula. A aldeia Telhas possui atualmente uma populacao de 134 pessoas agrupadas em 30 familias que vivem numa country de 540 hectares. A TI de Telhas e marcada por uma mata ainda bem preservada, pela presenca de muitos cajueiros e diversas outras especies de arvores. Durante a safra do caju, toda a aldeia Se envolve com a coleta district attorney castanha para a venda vitamin E com O pedunculo que vitamin E utilizado parity fazer doces, cajuina e O mocororo, bebida criada pelos indios, uma especie de vinho do caju. O mocororo e um Department of State principais elementos motivadores district attorney pratica do torem, uma danca de roda em que os indios exaltam a natureza, o trabalho e a relacao que O indio tem com a terra. Alem disso, outro aspecto marcante da danca vitamin E o culto aos seres encantados. Praticamente todos sao agricultores e, alem district attorney renda advinda com a venda district attorney castanha, a producao de farinha e goma e o chief fator de geracao de renda district attorney aldeia. O processo de preparacao district attorney farinha, chamado de farinhada, vitamin E feito coletivamente numa casa de farinha comunitaria. No periodo em que estao sendo realizadas, as farinhadas duram varias semanas. Aldeia Queimadas A aldeia Department of State Tremembes de Queimadas esta localizada hour angle 30 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio e encontra-se bem Proxima ao Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau que compreende uma country que perpassa as cidades de Acarau vitamin E Marco. You read "Aldeia Corrego das Telhas" in category "Essay examples" O caminho Department of State primeiros moradores das Queimadas foi semelhante aos do Corrego Joao Pereira, havendo inclusive, lacos de parentesco entre os membros das duas comunidades. Segundo seu Cecidio [ 7 ] , o mais velho morador hyrax Queimadas, teria sido seu pai vitamin E outros seis homens com suas respectivas familias, que teriam desbravado a regiao onde hoje ocupam. Segundo ele, nos Ido de 1927, â€Å" os sete † teriam saido district attorney Lagoa Department of State Negros [ 8 ] , abrindo caminho mata a dentro, Ate que se depararam mutton quad um certo momento com uma grande queimada provocada nao se sabe por quem. Foi neste lugar que O grupo resolveu se estabelecer com suas respectivas familias. Diferentemente Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas, os indios de Queimadas travam sua Luda contra O proprio Estado, atraves do Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas – DNOCS, que tenta desapropriar a comunidade indigena parity ampliar a country do Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau. Os conflitos comecaram no concluding Department of State Fatah Revolutionary Council 80, quando O DNOCS alega que ja teria indenizado as familias district attorney aldeia. A comunidade reconhece que uma hyrax liderancas teria recebido dinheiro do orgao federal, mas argumentam que foram lesados. Mesmo a questao estando sodium justica, o DNOCS destruiu parte significativa do territorio ocupado pelos Tremembes de Queimadas, principalmente a country chamada de Serrote, tida como sagrada pelos indios. O processo continua mutton quad andamento, mas com a intervencao district attorney FUNAI vitamin E do Ministerio Publico Fede ral as obras na country indigena foram paralisadas. Os Tremembes de Queimadas aguardam o GT district attorney FUNAI que fara o relatorio de demarcacao e delimitacao de sua TI. Do ponto de vista econ A ; ocirc ; mico, as duas aldeias sao semelhantes e desenvolvem as mesmas atividades, tendo o caju e a bitter cassava como principais fontes de renda. Como resultado inexoravel do contato com a sociedade envolvente, os Tremembes absorveram habitos vitamin E incorporaram praticas vitamin E costumes amplamente observados mutton quad outros contextos, sobretudo, urbanos. e possivel ver muitas casas de taipa equipadas com som, aparelho de DVD e televisao com antena parabolica. Inevitavelmente, o uso dessas tecnologias e visto como essencial parity eles, tendo em view que para a maioria hyrax familias a televisao vitamin E um Department of State raros meios de entretenimento. Em relacao aos metodos de producao Agricola, a pratica de fazer queimadas vitamin E freq A ; uuml ; ente entre os agricultores das duas aldeias. Como conseq A ; uuml ; encia, existem muitas countries de capoeira e a mata nativa, principalmente mutton quad Queimadas, foi bastante desmatada. Muitas arvores nativas estao mutton quad processo de desaparecimento. Por esses e outros aspectos, constatamos os reflexos do contato interetnico e como ele ressoa nas diversas countries da vida societal. Apesar district attorney renda advinda com estas atividades, a maioria hyrax familias das duas aldeias ainda vive mutton quad situacao de vulnerabilidade societal. e nesse contexto que Se insere o trabalho do CRAS nas comunidades indigenas. O CRAS, tambem chamado de Casa da Familia, vitamin E um equipamento make Ministerio make Desenvolvimento Social vitamin E Combate a Fome – MDS, gerido em forma de co-participacao com os municipios, destinado a atender vitamin E oferecer assistencia a uma parcela district attorney populacao que Se encontra em situacao de pobreza e risco societal. Em municipios onde existem populacoes indigenas o MDS recomenda que tenha um CRAS parity atender estas comunidades. Alem disso, o MDS tambem orienta que as acoes desenvolvidas em comunidades indigenas seja coordenada por um antropologo ou Cientista Social. e justamente por essa orientacao que fui contratado parity trabalhar com os Tremembes mutton quad Acarau. Um antropologo no CRAS O municipio de Acarau conta com duas populacoes indigenas que Ate entao nao contavam com nenhum trabalho socioassistencial especifico por parte do poder publico. Pelo fato de estarem em processo de afirmacao etnica, lutando pelo direito a terra e a insercao mutton quad outras politicas sociais, as comunidades de Telhas e Queimadas necessitavam de apoio, no sentido de ajuda-los a Se organizarem politicamente atraves de uma instituicao que representasse os interesses da coletividade no que se refere as demandas vitamin E carencias existentes nas comunidades. Neste sentido, no ambito da assistencia societal, se fazia necessario a contratacao de um tecnico-pesquisador parity que, a partir do conhecimento district attorney historia, district attorney cultura vitamin E district attorney dinamica societal cotidiana destas populacoes, pudesse auxilia-los neste processo de afirmacao societal vitamin E politica. Segundo a Norma Operacional Basica da Assistencia Social – NOB SUAS, o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CRAS com populacoes tradicionais deve ser orientado por um Antropologo. Sobre esta questao, eis O que afirma o Mendelevium: As equipes destinadas a desenvolver trabalho com populacoes tradicionais ( indigenas, quilombolas ) ou especificas devem ser capacitadas vitamin E orientadas por um Antropologo sobre as especificidades etnicas e culturais district attorney populacao atendida, contribuindo no planejamento, monitoramento e avaliacao dos servicos vitamin E acoes. Neste sentido, e importante que a equipe estabeleca interlocucao com as liderancas district attorney comunidade atendida, parity legitimar vitamin E auxiliar O trabalho realizado junto a comunidade. [ 9 ] Pela natureza de seu oficio, o Antropologo seria aqui o profissional recomendado, tendo mutton quad view que mutton quad sua formacao ele vitamin E preparado parity, a partir de tecnicas e metodos proprios a Antropologia, desenvolver este trabalho especifico. Nesta perspectiva O Antropologo pode ser definido como um tecnico-pesquisador, posto que as atividades que desenvolve, depende antes de observacoes e estudos preliminares para que a partir district attorney configuracao societal na qual Se depara, ele possa definir estrategias de trabalho e efetivamente propor acoes que estejam de acordo com os interesses da comunidade assistida, respeitando sua dinamica sociocultural, bem como as caracteristicas que definem a identidade etnica do grupo. No caso dos Tremembes de Acarau, a questao identitaria vitamin E um componente centralizador vitamin E importantissimo para a institucionalizacao organizacional hyrax aldeias, sobretudo quando Se tem em vista a busca de melhores condicoes sociai s de sobrevivencia. A identidade etnica tambem assume relevancia nos procedimentos vitamin E acoes desenvolvidas pelas instituicoes que atuam assessorando ou defendendo os direitos Department of State indios Tremembes. Identidades mediadas: O papel hyrax instituicoes indigenistas na organizacao societal vitamin E politica Department of State Tremembes de Acarau A historia Department of State Tremembes foi marcada tanto pelo sofrimento quanto pela resistencia que os indios tiveram, posto que, mesmo sendo expulsos ou escravizados em sua terra e proibidos de se afirmarem enquanto indios, mantiveram parte de suas tradicoes e sua memoria historica. Segundo Silva ( 1999 ) , uma grande parte do sofrimento Department of State Tremembes, tanto na Praia, quanto no sertao, em exceptional os de Acarau, se deveu principalmente pelo desconhecimento Department of State seus direitos vitamin E hyrax instituicoes que poderiam apoia-los sodium Luda pela terra. Foi somente a partir do contato com instituicoes indigenistas como a Missao Tremembe e posteriormente a FUNAI que os indios perceberam a importancia de afirmar e divulgar socialmente sua identidade indigena. De acordo com Castells ( 2002 ) , o contexto de reelaboracao district attorney identidade etnica das comunidades indigenas em Acarau assume as caracteristicas de uma identidade de resistencia, tend o mutton quad view que ela vitamin E formulada pelos atores sociais contrarios a algum tipo de dominacao, criando principios de resistencia. Ainda sobre este assunto, de acordo com Vale ( 2005 ) , a atuacao de missionarios catolicos, entre eles, Maria Amelia Leite, fundadora district attorney Associacao Missao Tremembe – AMIT, foi cardinal parity a redefinicao do perfil organizacional, das demandas politicas vitamin E Department of State investimentos etnicos Department of State Tremembes district attorney Varjota, em Itarema. Pode-se afirmar que O mesmo processo ocorreu com os Tremembes de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. Como a FUNAI ainda nao possuia nenhuma unidade administrativa no Ceara [ 10 ] , o suporte juridico e societal foi feito atraves da Missao Tremembe que, por sua vez, mobilizava outras instituicoes para guardian a questao Department of State Tremembes. Vale ressaltar, que no seu convivio com os indigenas de Itarema, Acarau e Itapipoca, os missionarios da AMIT estimulavam as comunidades a afirmarem sua identidade de indios, bem como no retorno de praticas como O torem. Desta forma, nos ultimos 25 Fatah R evolutionary Councils, a indianidade Department of State Tremembes foi fortemente estimulada pelos agentes indigenistas que acompanham as comunidades nos municipios citados. Me refiro a indianidade como percepcao vitamin E reflexo daquele sujeito que Se ve vitamin E se sente indio. Segundo Braz ( 2009 ) , essa indianidade esta relacionada aqueles que, apesar do imaginario societal desabonador construido sobre estas populacoes, alimentam um outro sentimento vitamin E uma outra atitude diante de sua ancestralidade vitamin E faz dela, no mundo hodierno, objeto de auto-estima, dignidade vitamin E afirmacao etnica. Com relacao as acoes do CRAS de Acarau, o trabalho Se concentra principalmente na importancia district attorney organizacao politica dos indios a fim de que estes possam ser inseridos sodiums politicas e programas sociais, sobretudo do governo federal. Neste sentido, o trabalho desenvolvido pele equipe do CRAS, na qual faco parte, consiste no assessoramento das duas aldeias no que se refere a institucionalizacao atraves dos Conselhos Indigenas, bem como na insercao das comunidades, atraves dos Conselhos, nos projetos sociais de geracao de trabalho e renda, assim como naqueles que preconizam a valorizacao district attorney cultura indigena. O primeiro desafio foi articular O perfil organizacional hyrax duas comunidades que apresentavam situacoes bem parecidas. Ambas nao possuiam qualquer tipo de instituicao juridicamente reconhecida que pudessem representa-los. Existiam apenas as chamadas â€Å" liderancas † , que sao pessoas que Se destacam pela disposicao em representar a aldeia mutton quad algum evento vitamin E pela autoridade que exercem internamente entre os pares. Entretanto, quando os tecnicos do CRAS iniciaram o trabalho de campo perceberam que as duas aldeias se encontravam fragmentadas, atomizadas vitamin E, alem disso, descrentes em relacao a qualquer tentativa de organizacao, tendo em view que tanto o poder publico, quanto suas proprias â€Å" liderancas † nao correspondiam as expectativas district attorney coletividade. Os conflitos Delaware opinioes, as diferencas entre membros da comunidade vitamin E a desconfianca mutton quad relacao aos lideres foram decisivos parity a resistencia hyrax c omunidades em aceitar a ajuda Department of State tecnicos do CRAS. Somente quando o antropologo e a estagiaria [ 11 ] conseguiram a confianca hyrax familias vitamin E que o processo de organizacao foi iniciado. A partir Delaware reunioes coletivas semanais os problemas internos da aldeia eram colocados, discutidos vitamin E debatidos pela comunidade. Os profissionais do CRAS mediavam as situacoes, tentando extrair deles mesmos, as solucoes para os entraves e problemas district attorney aldeia. Um aspecto freq A ; uuml ; entemente utilizado pelo antropologo na epoca epoch a necessidade hyrax duas aldeias de afirmar sua identidade por meio de uma instituicao que de fato representasse nao so os interesses daquela coletividade, mas que tambem pudesse dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Acarau. Isso so seria possivel atraves da criacao de um Conselho Indigena. Tais conselhos teriam nao somente de representar os interesses dos indios, como tambem de dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Telhas e Queimadas diante do poder publico e district attorney sociedade civil. A partir district attorney criacao Department of State Conselhos os Tremembes estao se inserindo gradativamente nos projetos e politicas sociais [ 12 ] . Alem disso, estao inseridos nos Territorios Rurais de Identidade, estrategia do governo make estado de dividir o estado em territorios, visando o desenvolvimento territorial de countries ligadas por criterios econ amp ; ocirc ; micos, sociais vitamin E culturais [ 13 ] . Dentro district attorney politica Department of State territorios, o governo estadual estabelece que um percentual Department of State recursos investidos no territorio sejam direcionados as comunidades indigenas e quilombolas. Tal estrategia Poe mutton quad evidencia a necessidade de elaboracao e reelaboracao das identidades etnicas, que no caso dos indios Tremembes tem como reflexo principal a territorialidade. e inegavel os tracos historicos vitamin E culturais district attorney indianidade Department of State Tremembes de Acarau, entretanto, a afirmacao district attorney identidade indigena assume um carater utilitario evidente. Estas comunidades buscam direitos que lhes foram assegurados pela constituicao de 1988 vitamin E que Ate hoje nao sao cumpridos pelo Estado em suas diversas instancias. Deste modo, o dizer-se vitamin E sentir-se indio, manifesta um desejo de acesso, sobretudo, a Taoist sonhada terra. Vale ressaltar que um traco marcante que identifica O indio, segundo os proprios Tremembes, e a relacao que este possui com a â€Å" mata † , a â€Å" mae terra † , a â€Å" mae natureza † . Estas expressoes sao facilmente encontradas no discurso dos indios, assumed names, nao somente na fala, como tambem nas letras das musicas cantadas no ritual do torem. Alem district attorney terra, a maioria hyrax populacoes indigenas, nao so aqui no Ceara, mom mutton quad todo O Brasil, carece de acesso aos servicos essenciais de saude, educacao e oportunidades que lhes garantam meios de ascender da situacao de miseria e abandono em que muitas aldeias se encontram atualmente parity uma condicao societal mais salubre. Neste sentido, as populacoes indigenas, atraves da mediacao de agentes sociais parceiros na luta pela defesa Department of State direitos indigenas, tem percebido a necessidade de se organizar societal vitamin E politicamente. E nesta estrategia, a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica e de suma importancia, pois ela se configura como avalizadora Department of State anseios, projetos e demandas hyrax comunidades. Desta forma, concordo com Silva ( 2000 ) , quando diz que a definicao district attorney identidade vitamin E district attorney diferenca tambem esta relacionada a uma disputa de poder que traduz o desejo de acesso aos bens sociais de ordem simbolica, stuff vitamin E politica. Sendo assim, as identidades sao construcoes make mundo cultural vitamin E societal, portanto, sao fabricadas. Elas refletem os agenciamentos vitamin E as imagens produzidas pelos sujeitos atraves das relacoes cotidianas. vitamin E claro que o sentido de â€Å" fabricacao † vitamin E â€Å" construcao † nao assume um carater pejorativo, pelo contrario, evidencia a capacidade Department of State grupos, inclusive os indios, de estarem elaborando e reelaborando suas identidades no pacing e no espaco. No caso dos Tremembes vitamin E Department of State demais indios no Ceara, o termo mais utilizado vitamin E O district attorney reelaboracao hyrax identidades indigenas, tendo mutton quad view que estes grupos foram perseguidos, oprimidos vitamin E forcados a negar/ocultar sua identidade de indio. Na Antropologia, o movimento de reconstrucao das identidades outrora suprimidas vitamin E definido como etnogenese, que segundo Oliveira Filho ( 2004 ) , e um processo de recriacao cultural, â€Å" abrangendo tanto a emergencia de novas identidades, como a reinvencao de etnias ja reconhecidas † ( OLIVEIRA, 2004 apud Gomes, 2009 ) . Esta reelaboracao, por sua vez, acontece num momento historico, politician e societal especifico que exige a necessidade que estas identidades sejam afirmadas diante da condicao societal peculiar mutton quad que vivem os Tremembes atualmente. Consideracoes finais A minha pretensao neste artigo foi de discorrer sobre O caminho que tem trilhado os Tremembes de Acarau atualmente, destacando o processo de organizacao politica das duas aldeias indigenas. Tenho consciencia do carater experimental deste trabalho vitamin E acredito que o leitor pode ter sentido falta de outras informacoes que poderiam estar presentes no texto, mom diante do tempo e district attorney proposta do artigo nao foi possivel aprofundar nesta ocasiao. Tambem nao quis fazer uma discussao teorica mais substancial, tanto sobre a historia Department of State Tremembes quanto sobre a questao district attorney identidade etnica. Sobre esses temas, muitos trabalhos podem ser encontrados facilmente. Minha intencao foi tentar mostrar como a questao district attorney identidade etnica aparece vitamin E como Revolutionary People’s Struggle e utilizada no cotidiano das comunidades pesquisadas. REFEReNCIAS BIBLIOGRaFICAS CASTELLS, Manuel. O Poder district attorney Identidade: A Era district attorney Informacao: Economia, Sociedade vitamin E Cultura. Vol. 2. 2? Ed. , Sao Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002. GOMES, Alexandre Oliveira. A saga Delaware Amanay, O algodao, e dos indios da porangaba. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009. SILVA, Cristhian Teofilo district attorney Silva. Relatorio circunstaciado de identificacao e delimitacao da Terra Indigena Corrego Joao Pereira/CE. Brasilia: Funai, 1999. 173p. SILVA, Izabelle Braz Peixoto district attorney. Prefacio. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009. SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu. Identidade e diferenca: a perspectiva Department of State Estudos Culturais. Petropolis: Vozes, 2000. VALLE, Carlos Guilherme do. Tremembes. Povos Indigenas do Brasil – Petabyte: 2005. Acessado no endereco hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 21/02/2010. Ob: AS DEVIDAS CONSIDERAcoES FEITAS OBEDECERAM aS NORMAS DA ABNT E FORAM TAMBEM COSULTADOS MANUAIS DE METODOLOGIA DE LAVILLE A ; DIONE, BEM COMO ANTONIO JOAQUIM SEVERINO E ANTONIO CARLOS GIL. PARABENIZO PELO EXCELENTE TRABALHO, AS INFORMAcoES POSSUEM GRANDE VALOR PARA OS LEITORES. Artigo apresentado na disciplina Teorias do Desenvolvimento Social do curso de Especializacao em Gestao de Organizacoes Sociais district attorney Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau – UVA. Itarema foi distrito de Acarau, obtendo sua emancipacao mutton quad 1984. Desse modo, a literatura faz referencia a presenca Department of State Tremembes mutton quad Acarau. vitamin E interessante notar que, atualmente, a maioria district attorney populacao de Acarau desconhece a presenca de indios no municipio, pois a referencia Department of State Tremembes e a Praia de Almofala, que vitamin E distrito de Itarema. Cf. Silva, 1999. Juridicamente, a constituicao de 1988 mutton quad seu artigo 231 define Terra Indigena como aquelas â€Å" por eles ( indios ) habitadas em carater permanente, as utilizadas parity suas atividades produtivas, as imprescindiveis a preservacao Department of State recursos ambientais necessarios a seu bem-estar vitamin E as necessarias a sua reproducao fisica e cultural, segundo seu usos, costumes vitamin E tradicoes † . Cf. Silva ( 1999 ) . Instituicao indigenista fundada por Maria Amelia Leite que presta assessoria vitamin E acompanha a questao district attorney demarcacao hyrax terras dos Tremembes mutton quad Itarema, Itapipoca e Acarau. Depoimento obtido informalmente, mas que se encontra presente no relatorio antropologico realizado pelo Antropologo Sergio Telles Brissac, analista pericial mutton quad Antropologia do Ministerio Publico Federal – MPF/CE, mutton quad 2007. A Lagoa Department of State Negros esta situada no municipio de Itarema. Segundo depoimentos, o lugar teria sido descoberto pelos indios que vinham de Almofala. A referida lagoa epoch muito bonita vitamin E havia fartura de agua, peixe e outros animais que viviam mutton quad redor. Os indios contam que ela foi desencantada pelo Paje Joao Cosmo. Como epoch um lugar bonito vitamin E tambem propicio a criacao de gado, pela abundancia de agua, alguns â€Å" coroneis † expulsaram os indios e se apossaram do lugar. e nesse exodo que um grupo de indios chega a localidade de Queimadas. Extraido do site: Hypertext transfer protocol: //†¦ Acessado em 27/08/2009. Isso so veio a acontecer mutton quad 1994, quando a FUNAI abriu um Nucleo de Apoio Local – NAL no Ceara. Antes disso, o estado estava subordinado a Administracao Executiva Regional – AER district attorney Paraiba. Me refiro aos colegas Nino Amorim vitamin E Raquel Monteiro que me antecederam nesta funcao. Efetivamente, este trabalho com as aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas se iniciou em janeiro de 2009. Em agosto fui contratado parity substituir O referido colega que foi convocado parity assumir vaga de professor pleiteada em concurso na Universidade Federal de Rond A ; ocirc ; nia – UNIR. Atualmente, as duas aldeias foram inseridas no Programa de Aquisicao de Alimentos – PAA district attorney Conab, onde irao produzir vitamin E seller alimentos para a merenda Lepidocybium flavobrunneum. Alem deste, hour angle um outro projeto de avicultura da Secretaria district attorney Agricultura de Acarau em parceria com O Banco do Nordeste – BNB. De acordo com a Secretaria do Desenvolvimentos Agrario do Ceara – DAS, os territorios rurais sao espacos fisicos geograficamente definidos, onde se pode distinguir um ou mais elementos que indicam identidade vitamin E coesao societal e cultural. Cada territorio vitamin E gerido por um colegiado, que vitamin E formado por representantes do poder publico ( municipal, estadual e federal ) e da sociedade civil, como movimentos sociais vitamin E organizacoes nao governamentais ( ONGs ) . Fonte: hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 20/02/2010. How to cite Aldeia Corrego das Telhas, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Love of a Mother free essay sample

Different people influence our lives everyday. Friends, teachers, parents, even strangers can influence us. Some are positive to who we are as a person†¦Others, not so much. For me, the person who has had the most significant influence on me is the most important person in my life. That person is my mother. In my opinion, it’s natural for a parent to have a very significant influence on their children. But in my case, my mother has gone beyond just having an influence on me. She has made me who I am today. She has not only been an influence, but she’s raised me to have values that I treasure. My mom is a strong Christian woman. Since I was a baby, we’ve always gone to church, and she’s always taught me how to live right in the eyes of the Lord. Mom has never been overly strict, but she never let me get away with lying, stealing, or anything else society disapproves of. We will write a custom essay sample on The Love of a Mother or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of this, I do my best to always be honest and follow any rules given to me. This has given me a positive reputation with my teachers and friends. My mother is very supportive. She always stands behind whatever I want to do, especially when it comes to my music. I’ve been performing since I was five, and she’s been to every concert and show. She loves to hear me sing, and never fails to help me when I need it. The support has impacted me in a very strong way. I don’t get nervous on stage, and I have a great amount of confidence due to her encouragement. To mom, schoolwork is extremely important. Ever since Kindergarten, she has made sure my grades are good. Luckily, I’ve never really struggled, so she didn’t have much to worry about. Without her want for me to succeed, my grades might not be as good as they are. I don’t want to disappoint her, so I always do my best. Doing my best has made me a good student, and I also excel in music. It’s gotten me into habits that make me work hard and help me to stay focused. In today’s society, people are rude, selfish, and often untrustworthy. But my mom would never allow me to have these characteristics. Instead, she made sure that I had manners, and that I was polite and friendly to everyone I meet. I say please and thank you and I usually have a smile on my face. She taught me to be selfless, much like herself. She is constantly serving other people. I strive to be that way, too. She never let me be selfish, and taught me to share and to give. Recently, I’ve become very involved in community service to try and give back to society. This is a result from my mom’s influence. Mom also taught me to be honest in everything I do. I don’t lie. Mom’s expectations for me have shaped me into a person who gets along with everyone, and avoids drama at all cost. Because of my mother, I am a better person than I ever could hope to be without her. She has taught me how to be a good person, and given me confidence through her love and support. Our relationship is far from perfect. But I love her, and she is truly an amazing woman. Her influence on me has impacted me more than anyone else, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Weight Of Real Wrestlers Essays - Sports Rules And Regulations

The Weight Of Real Wrestlers High School Wrestling has always been thought of as the hardest and most enduring sport that takes place in high school. Only the toughest Jocks try out, and the weak are quickly discarded. Young women showing school spirit come to watch as the arms of young men in spandex are mingled about. During matches, coaches yell and scream at their young apprentices while they desperately battle to pin their opponent of equal weight. But, how equally are the two enemies matched? How much weight did one person have to lose, and how fast did he have to do it to be able to wrestle in that weight class? Once the wrestler makes his weight does he really have any physical energy left to wrestle? Losing an extraordinary amount of weight in a short amount of time is dangerous and unhealthy, and should be regulated for the safety of the athletes. Coach James Derek Donoho is now in his third year of being head coach at Don Lugo High School. He says wrestling is a very dangerous contact sport that always has the risk of injuries, and people get hurt everyday. He believes it's a good experience for young men and he is glad he went through it when he was in high school. Physical injuries come with the turf, and every person knows it when they join wrestling or any other sport. It's the un-implied risks that are not seen until commitments are made, that are the most dangerous to young athletes. Donoho is pro losing weight and says its good to loose weight and move to a lighter weight class, because it's a little easier on the wrestler. It feels to them that they are wrestling someone lighter then they are. That is a tactical advantage, however people also move up to wrestle in higher weight levels to fill spots. That makes it unnecessary for teens to lose weight because they are already wrestling someone lighter then they are. We don't pressure our players to lose a lot of weight, says Donoho, they chose which weight class they want to wrestle in. If that's true, then there are a lot of young athletes who are willing to lose a tremendous amount of weight in a short amount of time just to make Varsity. Do people really put themselves in such danger to achieve the pride of being on a varsity team? Brandon Frescas, a third year wrestler on the team, says coaches just flat out ask us if we could get down to a certain weight by a certain time to fill spots. Sometimes it's moving up a weight class, sometimes it's losing a little weight, and sometimes it's a lot of weight. Losing 10 to 15 pounds in a week is a lot of weight to lose. 10 to 15 pounds in a week is an absurd amount of weight to lose. On T.V advertisements say their diet can help people lose 10 to 15 pounds in a month, but never does it say one week. 15 pounds is about the size of a medium dog. Could anyone imagine stuff about the size of a dog leaving ones body in only one week? Michael Nava, also a third year wrestler, says coach asked me what weight I thought I could get down to, and I told him 135 pounds. I weighed about 137 pounds and he asked me if he could count on me to get down to 130 pounds. I thought about it and told him yes because I didn't want to let him down. Pressure from the coaches exists and every pl ayer knows its there. Although the coaches won't admit it, Michael Nava says, it's dangerous if you have to lose a lot of weight. Losing an enormous amount of weight such as 10 to 15 pounds in one week seems impossible to an everyday person. But, according to the wrestlers it's only almost impossible. There is an entire process wrestlers go through and it's different depending upon how much weight needs to be lost. The secrets are passed down and taught to the younger wrestlers by the more experienced ones. The first thing taught is

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The French And Indian War

The French And Indian War (1756-1763) Nicole Between the years of 1689 and 1748 France and Britain had the War of the League of Augsburg â€Å"King William’s War†, War of Spanish Succession â€Å"Queen Anne’s War†, and the War of the Austrian Succession â€Å"King George’s War.† All three of these wars led up to the Seven Years War, also known as the French and Indian War. As the British colonies grew in population and wealth, the British government began to worry about the attacks from France and Spain. A French motive for attack on British was their desire for land. This was the time for claiming land and they wanted as much of it as they could get. Also they wanted more wealth and power because according to the theory of mercantilism, the richer you are, the more power you have. Another motive for their attack was that France wanted a market for manufactured goods. They also wanted a source for raw materials to make goods. At first the war went badly for the English. To str engthen the defense of the colonies, General Edward Braddock set out with 1400 British troops and 450 colonials to try to take Fort Duquesne. The French had built this fort in Pittsburgh. Braddock had been warned by Benjamin Franklin to watch out for surprise attacks by the Indians, but he did not listen. Wars in Europe were orderly and they were usually fought only in good weather, on open fields, and armies faced each other. To Braddock’s surprise, the French and Indians did not follow the etiquette of Old World Warfare. They caught Braddock off guard when the attacked his army. The general was killed, and 976 of his men were killed or wounded. In 1757 William Pitt came to power as prime minister of England. He put new life into the nation’s armies and its fleets spread over the globe. He removed the weak and the old and put in the young and strong. In the campaigns of 1758, the British and Americans working together were victorious... Free Essays on The French And Indian War Free Essays on The French And Indian War The French And Indian War (1756-1763) Nicole Between the years of 1689 and 1748 France and Britain had the War of the League of Augsburg â€Å"King William’s War†, War of Spanish Succession â€Å"Queen Anne’s War†, and the War of the Austrian Succession â€Å"King George’s War.† All three of these wars led up to the Seven Years War, also known as the French and Indian War. As the British colonies grew in population and wealth, the British government began to worry about the attacks from France and Spain. A French motive for attack on British was their desire for land. This was the time for claiming land and they wanted as much of it as they could get. Also they wanted more wealth and power because according to the theory of mercantilism, the richer you are, the more power you have. Another motive for their attack was that France wanted a market for manufactured goods. They also wanted a source for raw materials to make goods. At first the war went badly for the English. To str engthen the defense of the colonies, General Edward Braddock set out with 1400 British troops and 450 colonials to try to take Fort Duquesne. The French had built this fort in Pittsburgh. Braddock had been warned by Benjamin Franklin to watch out for surprise attacks by the Indians, but he did not listen. Wars in Europe were orderly and they were usually fought only in good weather, on open fields, and armies faced each other. To Braddock’s surprise, the French and Indians did not follow the etiquette of Old World Warfare. They caught Braddock off guard when the attacked his army. The general was killed, and 976 of his men were killed or wounded. In 1757 William Pitt came to power as prime minister of England. He put new life into the nation’s armies and its fleets spread over the globe. He removed the weak and the old and put in the young and strong. In the campaigns of 1758, the British and Americans working together were victorious...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The representation of violence in Michael Haneke's Films Essay

The representation of violence in Michael Haneke's Films - Essay Example The essay will be about Michael Haneke’s Representation of Violence in his films, who is a former literary and film critic. According to Aaron (2007), in most of his life work, he undermines the development of the contemporary society. He has produced the most disturbing films, which contain much violence in the contemporary cinema, and has caused many viewers to feel sick in their stomach after watching them. The essay will be examining the stylistic and technical methods that Haneke uses that are not only his directive characteristics as an auteur, but also examine the typical difference between how he represents violence and how it has an effect on society those movies and that of conventional society. In the films Benny’s Video (Haneke, 1992), Funny Games (1997) and Cache (Haneke, 2005) there is clear evidence of how Haneke represents violence and it is not only self-reflective, but it empowers role of the viewer’s by attracting their imagination. We will also look at how Haneke criticizes the ubiquity of violent in superficial moving images. With Haneke’s production of films that address themes that are considered difficult measured by the commercial cinema standards, which include violence trauma effects, alienation, sexism and racism as made him be labeled as a modernist. In today’s films, it is almost impossible to view the whole film without witnessing violence at least as a side spectacle. The film may be either a horror movie that its focus is violence or just a comedy that needs to add some more laughs in the content; one can argue that all these films do not depict the pain and horrifying reality of violence in the real world. Apparently, the images of bombing in countries such as Libya, Southern Sudan and Iraq or a murder committed in a nearby city that one lives look to be not much of the meaning that one still want to watch a violent movie. In fact, because of the ubiquity of the images that contains violence rarely

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Needs of Internal and External Influences Assignment

Needs of Internal and External Influences - Assignment Example As the study outlines the availability of each student must be considered to ensure that the curriculum set matched the availability time of the student. This greatly increases the turn up of the students in the class. Lack of student schedule consideration might result to clashing of the class time, and the time they are required to be away as most of them might be employed or have children to attend to. Determining the level of education each student has reached in his lifetime will greatly improve the in cooperation of the curriculum. This provides the teacher with a guideline on where to start teaching from, and the type of teaching methodology to use for effective teaching, lack of consideration of this matter might lead to students not understanding as they might be left behind due to lack of understanding. It is important to consider the willingness of the students in learning. This study declares that majority of the students might not be willing to sacrifice their time and resources to acquire education. Considering this will greatly save a lot of time in the design of the curriculum, as the teachers are able to determine the kinds of students that she/he teaches. The available space in the institution needs to be considered to determine the number of students it can accommodate at a given time. This will greatly help in planning the number of students each intake will hold. In consideration to the case study presented, the level of learning of the adult students should be taken into consideration since it states, â€Å"Many of these adults generally do not possess the required formal qualifications for entry into the university, and many have been distant from any form of formal education for some time†.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Exercising Facilities at the Workplace Coursework

Exercising Facilities at the Workplace - Coursework Example This is more than a third of the population and excludes children and teens. The report further states that in 2008 alone, $147 billion was spent on obesity-related health complications and that obese people were spending at least $1400 more on medication than their normal counterparts. As highlighted by the above statistics, many Americans are not exercising as they should. They are leading unhealthy lives and exposing themselves to obesity-related health risks such as cancer, heart diseases, and type 2 diabetes. I formulated this research to investigate the advantages of setting up exercise facilities at workplaces and also to come up with ways of encouraging people to regularly visit them. This will reduce the obesity rate in the country and the health risks associated with it. I recently witnessed two colleagues discussing a move by their company management to set up a physical fitness facility at the company’s premises to encourage workers to live healthy lifestyles. I was struck most by the agility and enthusiasm that the two exuberated as they discussed the matter. Prior to this incident, I had never envisioned a gym within a working premise. Fitness sections should be constructed in every workplace as a way to encourage people to exercise regularly. The management will, therefore, be forced to allow workers to exercise during working days since most of them will be unwilling to show up at work during the weekends. However, the sessions will only be possible during off-peak hours such as lunch breaks and in the evenings when everyone is breaking for home.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Elements of a Contract

The Elements of a Contract 1.0 Introduction I am the Human Resource Manager for a recording company. My director who name Mr. Abu requested me to rent an apartment accommodation for three employees who came from oversea to stay in my state. So I am as the Human Resources Manager, I am expected to deal with the landlord. I need to find out the main element for binding a valid house rent contract. Apart from that, I need to brief the main element to my directors Mr. Abu and design a contract to show to Mr. Abu. Then, to assume that the landlord claim that my employees was damage the kitchen cabinets after one month they have stay in the rented apartment, so I am expect to write a report to Mr. Abu on what kind of legal solution that might can be taken by the landlord and how I am go to solve the situation and I need to justify my answer to avoid my legal liability on such damage to property in apartment. Apart from that, I need to describe the nature contractual liability arising from the damages that found in the house and whether tenants are partially or wholly liable for damages done to the premises. 2.0 The Main Element for Binding a Valid House Renting Contract 2.1 Offer An offer or proposal for the creation of an agreement is necessary. Section 2(a) Contract Act 1950 provides that if a person means another who is willing to do or omit to do something to the consent of the other as the act or abstinence could be obtained, it is said, on to make a suggestion. The first part of the Section 2(c) in the Contracts Act 1950 calls the person who make the proposal promisor. Under the contracts Act 1950 and English Law, an offer or proposal is something which is capable of being changed into the agreement by its acceptance. The proposal should be a definite promise to be bound provided certain specified terms that are accepted. The promisor or also called as the offeror must have stated his willingness to an obligation to undertake certain specific terms, leaving the option of its refusal or acceptance to the offeree, the person to whom that offer is made. Then contract is complete once the offeree is accept the offer. (GILLIES, P, 2004). Thus, offer is one of the parties made a promise to do or prevent from doing some specified action in the future. (, 2015). Apart from that, the offeror may make the offer to a particular person or to the whole world. 2.2 Acceptance To form a binding valid house renting contract, the offer must have an acceptance. Acceptance of an offer is the offer was accept unambiguously. The acceptance must be an agreement to each of the terms of the offer. Section 2(b) of the contract Act 1950 provides that when a person made signifies his assent thereto to whom, the proposal is said to have been accepted. When a proposal was accepted, it will become a promise. Apart from that, the person that who is accepted the proposal is called promisee. In additional, acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The communication of acceptance may be express or implied. (Gulshan, Kapoor and Paliwal, 2008). Furthermore, acceptance of any promise which is made in performance or words that could say to be express. In contrast, acceptance that made other than words and performance is say to be implies. For proposal to be changed in a promise, the acceptance of the proposal must be absolute and unqualified, so that the acceptance is complete consensus. Then, if the parties are still bargaining, agreement is still not yet formed and the proposer cannot prescribe silence as a manner of acceptance. 2.3 Intention to Create Legal Relations A statement to be an offer, it must be made with the intention that it be binding upon acceptance. It is also necessity that all the parties to an agreement have an intention to create legal relations which is meaning the parties intend the legal consequences attach to their agreement. (JONES, L, 2013). In short, the parties intend that the agreement will be binding with recourse to some external judge for this enforceability. In determining whether the parties intend their agreement to be legally binding, the courts are guided by two presumptions such as parties to a domestic or social agreement do not intend to be legally bound and parties to business agreement intend to be legally bound. These are presumptions only and can be rebutted by sufficient evidence to the contrary. 2.4 Consideration Considerations is something of legal value that each party gives to the contract to bind the agreement. (Goldman and Sigismond, 2014). So, the consideration is especially important where the agreement involves a promise to the act in a particular way in future. In exchanges where there is an immediate, simultaneous transfer of, for example, good for money, the doctrine of consideration applies in theory but rarely will causes practical problems. An agreement without consideration can consider is void. Apart from that, consideration need not be adequate and not be too vague. The words consideration defined as when, at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or refused from doing, or does or refused from doing, or promises to do and refused from doing something, such act or abstinence or consider as promise is called a consideration for the promise. 2.5 Certainty Certainty is the terms of a contract are certain when each of the provision is described or explained properly and clearly set forth. (, 2015). The terms of an agreement cannot be vague but must be certain. An agreement which is not capable of being made certain or uncertain is consider as void. An enforceable contract requires certainty of terms. Which means for an agreement to be a contract, it must be apparent what is the terms of the contract are. If the important term in the agreement is not settled, the agreement is not a contract. 2.6 Capacity Capacity to contract is legal and mental ability to understand the nature of an enforceable agreement. (Goldman and Sigismond, 2011). Furthermore, capacity is mean that the legal competence of a person to enter into a valid contract. The parties entering into a contract should be also competent to contract, that is to said, they must have the legal capacity to do so. Capacity refers to the ability of the parties to a contract to fully understand its terms and obligations. For example, a contract made with person mentally unsound, a bankrupt person and person under age 18 in Malaysia is void. Every person is competent to a contract if who is of the age of majority which is eighteen years old to the law to which he is subject, and who is healthy and not disqualified from contract by a law which it is subject there. However, there are some exceptions to this rule which are Contracts for necessaries, Contracts of scholarship and Contracts of insurance as well. 3.0 The Damaged level of kitchen by Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employee Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees have damaged a part of the premise which is kitchen’s cabinet. The damaged cabinet has been left for a long period without any maintenance or repair. 3.1 Legal action take by landlord Due to Alex Recording employee Sdn Bhd employees had damaged the kitchen’s cabinet and left for a long period without any maintenance or repair. Therefore, the landlord is going to take legal actions towards Alex Recording Sdn Bhd based on the rental agreement’s conditions as follows: (Please refer to Appendix 1.1 Rental Agreement number 11 and 12) 3.2 Landlord takes action to against Alex Recording SdnBhd The landlord will takes civil action to against Alex Recording Sdn Bhd due to Alex Recording Sdn Bhd is breach of contract cases. According to wiseGEEK (no date) has reported that a civil action is usually brought for the purpose of resolving private legal issues that arise between business, people, or other entities. There also mentioned some of the most common kinds of civil actions include family law proceedings, civil rights violations, breach of contract cases, and personal injury lawsuits. Landlord can’t takes criminal action to against Alex Recording Sdn Bhd due to criminal action is brought by government (society) to determine whether the guilty person committed the unlawful act and to determine the accused person’s punishment reported by NDSU (no date). NDSU also reported that criminal action punishment will be imprisonment or a fine paid to the government, and the case of criminal action such as Armed Rubbery. 3.3 The Argument to against landlord According to Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees said that the kitchen’s cabinet was broken before they move in. However, Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees still used the cabinet but without repair it. That mean that the cabinet is not broken by Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees and it should by someone else who had rented the premises before. Basically, Alex Recording Sdn Bhd is not liable to pay the repair fee to the landlord due to the cabinet is not broke by their employees and also the Rental Agreement didn’t notice or mention that the RESIDENT should check all the items is on the good condition before move in the premises. 3.4 Element of the contract between Alex Recording Sdn Bhd and landlord Offer Is a proper offer. Acceptance Is a proper acceptance. Consideration The agreement have consideration. Certainly The agreement is certain. Capacity Both parties have legal capacity. Intention to create legal relations -The agreement is intention to create legal relations. (Please refer to Appendix – â€Å"2.1 Case law† to check the similar case) 4.0 Contractual Liability for the damages of house The employees of Alex Recording have damaged the kitchen’s cabinet. Hereby, there are several elements of contract which has existed in this case. The elements are offer, certainty, consideration, capacity, intention to create legal intention as well as acceptance. 4.1 Offer There’s a valid offer which offered by Alex Recording, which proved by the signature of Director of Alex Recording. Moreover, terms and condition has written down in the contract by offering the landlord to have the signature. 4.2 Acceptance The acceptance in this situation is valid. We assume that the landlord has read the terms and condition only the landlord sign the contract. Meaning to say that the landlord has agreed to the contract before the landlord sign and accept this offer by Alex Recording. 4.3 Consideration There’s consideration in this contract which state in the first terms and condition in the contract, that the Alex Recording will pay RM1300 in advance for the first month as well as the security deposit of RM300, in total is RM2050 are to be paid to the landlord, Lim Wei Shang. 4.4 Certainty This contract is definitely certainty and there’s no vague terms and condition written, and labeled neatly. 4.5 Capacity The offeror and offeree has been officially 18 and above. Apart from that, both of the parties are not mentally unsound. Furthermore, they’re not in bankrupt. Thus, this is a valid contract. 4.6 Intention to create legal relation In this case, there’s an intention to create legal relation which is business relation between landlord and director. Our party will only agree to take the responsibility of partially liable since the cabinet in the kitchen is already not in a good and well condition before we starting the agreement contract and entered into rented the room. We will only take half of the responsibility as we are only partially liable for the damage of kitchen cabinet. The cabinet is too old can be see it was use many year and it is the landlords responsibility in change of a brand-new or a well-fixed cabinet before renting the room out. The landlord should also be partially liable for the damage as the landlord should take care of the safety of the customer. The landlord had already broken a condition called contributory negligence. As such, we will only be partially liable of the damage as we should not be the only party that should be responsible for the damage. As the supported by judicial precedent which is previous case law. (Please refer to Appendix 3.1 Case Law to check the similar case) 5.0 Conclusion Law can define as the body of customary rules recognized by a community as binding. Apart from that, law is defining as a body of rules which are enforced by the state. Contract may be defined as an agreement enforceable by law. Contract is an agreement which is legally binding between parties. The main element of law of contract is offer, consideration, certainly, capacity, acceptance of an offer and intention to create legal elations. In conclusion, Alex recording Sdn Bhd only partially liable on the damages of kitchen cabinet because of the kitchen cabinet is already damages before employees of Alex recording is starting the agreement and entered the rental apartment. The landlord should also be partially liable for the damage as the landlord should take care of the safety of the customer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Movie (Film) Version of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast

Movie (Film) Version of Romeo and Juliet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There have been many romantic films made in the past as well as now in the present, from Wuthering Heights to Pretty Woman.   But, one of the most romantic of all films is the story of Romeo and Juliet.   It is safe to say that most people are familiar with this story.   A couple so determined to be together, ended up tragically in the arms of one another because of their feuding families. Today, a new director attempts to recreate this Shakespearean story by adding a little of his on twists to it.   Using the same dialogue as Shakespeare, this director sets the story in modern times.   Romeo and Juliet, the movie, gives audience in the twentieth century a taste of a new and mystical flavor to this well-known love story.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The setting of Romeo and Juliet, as expected, was totally different from other settings in the past.   This setting, however, was not necessarily set in way of how people today would live.   The story was set more fantasy-like. Because of the setting, the deaths of the people in this movie did not seem as moving as to the old movies.   For some reason, the setting of Mercutio's death interfered with this supposedly poetic scene.   A broken down stage on a sandy beach does not seem to fit well together.   The setting seemed pretty artificial. Also, the scene when one of the Montagues died at the gas station did not seem as depressing as would be if any other person was to die.   This scene was the opening one so, the audience could have been distracted by the dialogue and therefore, not paying attention to the death to much.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the beginning of the movie, it was hard to adjust to the dialogue with the atmosphere.   The dialogue was way on the other side of the timeline compared to the setting.   Some of the audience was even laughing.   Perhaps that was why it was so difficult to follow the movie with all those distractions.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What was quite remarkable about this movie was how the director incorporated today's problems and events with the old Shakespearean dialogue.